
Umm hi

Saturday, September 20, 2008

20th september 2008
Hi..umm...one word BORED!!!very very bored umm oh wait thats 4 words! ok then ummm bye...yeah bye..


My Exam Experience...(for the past six years...)

Friday, September 19, 2008

19 september 2008
(disclaimer:this is just my experience that i want to share with you.pls do not think i am boasting or anything..)
Nothing is impossible..Ive been wanting to share this experience with you people out there...In just a few weeks, you will be amazed of what you can achieve..with hard work and perserverance you will be able to accomplish so much..Example:Just like me ive got a B before...but it was a sign saying"wake up dont slack!"..Then i started to work on that subject..i sacrificed all my free time and play time..its not just about studying,its about believing you can do it...Finally i improve from a B to an A*..so that proves my point:if you really want it,you can get it...As long as you believe...



Saturday, September 13, 2008

14 september 2008
Umm...hi nothing to do...hehe umm, ok bye..



14 september 2008
My prelim was done...HORRIBLY!!!!from a 324/400 to a 310/400 !!!a good indicator for me to wake up....
Probably the last post for this month...but no worries..after this 2weeks its all about me me and....guess who?ME!



who likes math you ask?(Practically very little people)
Well for all p1 to p3's out there if you want better grades for math or just Want to enjoy math,check out this web site:

