
about yesterday night

Saturday, January 31, 2009


Maple Story

LOL started playing maple again but onli a little (mayb like every 2 weeks one time??coz lazy play mah)so ummm lvled up lorh to 57(azri i was lvl 56 b4 not 57..now 57 last time 56 get it?)okok 13 more lvlto 3rd job..PRIEST..lol i regret i wan become Fire Mage#$%^$%^$%..lolololol so umm can any1 tell me wer to train???say on my cbox!!fazfaz!!!



Wednesday, January 28, 2009

i keep blabbering on and on about my secondary school life but i think all of you dunno my teachers.... haixx...so now after a month of waiting(lol)...
form and maths teacher:Mrs Lim
english teacher: Mrs Govind
mother tongue teacher:Cikgu Afidah
physics and chemistry(science 1) teacher:Ms Ho
biology techer(science2) teacher:Mdm quek
art teacher:Mr salam
litrature teacher:Ms siti
Pw teacher:Mr Lokman /Mrs Govind
History teacher:Mr Wong
Geography teacher:Mr Tan
DNT teacher:Mr chndra


Bout today..

hi people!lol today was a plain typical day but school started on 9 am..coz wednesday(as usual)umm yeah so as i said a plain day...
today got back the diagnostic test..i got an A!!lol not many ppl get lorh..hehe den we do more compo writing...haixx...
nothing much actually the teacher showed us about a globe or sumtin...
ok..seriously i have no idea what this lesson is for but i just"go with it"..
lol we had to rush coz havent have science for like???2 weeks???
contact time
instead wegot one concert lol....
well that was curriculum time.after school watch softball match and we won damai sec!!woooooooo!xD..lolololol
kk bb sorry if i bored you...buhBYe


SEC1 camp part 3

Sunday, January 25, 2009

okay now part 3...ummm after that game which was like completed in 20 minutes...we did the flying fox!!!omg it was super scary wen you are climbing the ladder and wen you reach the top..and you look down..its like looking down a six storey flat with no railings(imagine that).but the scariest part was wen you jump down..its like commiting suicide!(until the rope pulls you up and you slide down..)..and wen sliding the feeling was breathtaking(technically)it was super duper extra hyper mega exciting!!!!and on time is really not enough!but sadly we only did one time....lol..after that we played somemore games but the finale was awesome..we slid into the "MILO" pond!!!it was umm.. how we singaporeans say:SHIOK!!!(MEANS THE FEELING WAS NICE)and to top it all up we rolled in mud!!!and now speaking i am wearing the shirt i used to roll in mud..we were like pigs!but den we had to shower(yuck!)and after that we packed to go home..(awww )but just as we thought it was over...we had to do area cleaning!and out of all places they gave us the TOILET!!!the boys toilet..the one that smells!!!(read part one for more details about the toilet..or was it part 2?)it was fun but a "smelly" experience..after we cleaned it,,the smell turned into a scent!L-O-L...after that,we had to go home.(now it was over)i reached home at around 8.30??then ate dinner and slept.LOL the next day got school..ok now the story is over..kk bb gtg buhBye~


SEC1 camp part 2

ok now for part 2....umm the rope challenge seems super hard but after i saw my friends doing it i was like:hey how come look so easy seyy wen you all do?..so i did the medium one but i tell you i was shivering lolololol...next we had a few more activities but it all doesnt include me ahaha....oh ya one thing i Hate bout the camp was the toilet!!!boy it smelt like 2 weks urine..omg thinking about it makes me feel sick..okok..now we slept in bunksbut it was very small..there were 2 double decker beds per bunk..i slept with 9 other ppl and one thing also i didnt get much sleep...i think i was the 1st one to sleep lol ....my roommates all played blackjack lol..the next day was the last day..my friends from the next bunk woke us up but with a "Painful" method..they slam the door open and said oi!bangun la!(means oi wake up la)then i was soooooooo shocked i hit my head on the stupid roof!!(did i mention that i was sleeping on the 2nd decker..)i was like OFFFFFFFFFish!!!(almost sweared)lol...let me skip the breakfast part..then we did sumtin like ummm how to explain..like we are supposed to go through an obstacle filled with strings..we were not supposed to hit the strings....but we failed 3 times..we succeeded the fourth time thanks to out leader..umm hu was the leader i oso forgot...lol i wrote too much part 3 comin...


SEC1 camp

okay..hi this is Maman...sorry for not posting for soooooo long..like i said in my last post i had'nt had the time..but now since its chinese new year,we have 4 days of holiday..so now im posting and want to tell you wad has been going on...recently i had my Sec 1 camp and it was suepr fun and super duper exciting...let me now tell you how it happened...it was 21 jan and like wen i reached school everyone was looking at me..probably they would be like:hey wtfish is this small guy carrying a bag 3/4 of his size?(that is how big my bag was)okok then we assembled and Mr Sara gave a speech(lol)den den we were asigned to our groups and did some ice breakers(again)but the fun part starts wen we reach to the campsite:SERIMBUN SCOUTS CAMP..and boy it was like a huge dangerous playground(technically)..We started with the CRC(challenge rope....umm sumtin)the activity was to complete an obstacle..there was one huge one,a medium one and a quite small one..ok i gtg part2 will come soon bb..



Tuesday, January 13, 2009

ok its been more than a week since y last post..that is because with school starting i have alot of homework,CCAs,orientation finished not so long ago,tuition and lots of other stuff.i barely have time to breathe!LOLOLOL..ok so now i got to know almost all my classmates..and of course made more friends..okok now let me talk about today:well nothing much to talk about just that studying geography,science1 and english..anyway my teacher gave me this slip of paper about target things so they wrote there wad they expected from the class. for me and most of my friends..umm let me just tell wad they expect for each subject...oh! before that 1=A1 2=A2 3=B3 and so on.. these are the grades for most of my classmates and me..=eng3(uh) maths1 mt2 sci3(more uh)history2 geo2 art3 dnt3 umm thats al..kk byes~



Friday, January 2, 2009

so yesterday it was first day of school and was like:uh.... my dad sent me on the first day. i arrived at 7pm wondering around.then i found a sign saying:SEC 1,Pls go to the hall.Then there was another problem:i didnt know where the hall was..i folowed some1(without that person knowing and eventually,he led me to the hall..i saw azri and syafiq already sitting in front.im in class1/1 btw..zzz..then came a boy named..uuhh..i think his name was YONG SHEN(i dunno how spell)we then talked to each other and became friends...i was like(yes my first new friend!)LOL!OH ya btw it was orientation day..so No lesson we went to class a few hours later(i skipped a few parts so that you wont be bored reading this) and sat next to a boy named ANIQ and the teachers name was MRS LIM..ANIQ and I were very alike(we were both short)no offence...he became my friend and we went to the mosque after that...When we got back we saw everyone were doing ICEBREAKERS...i made more friends there also!Let me name some for you!:Johnson,Alex, i dunno the other 2 boys name..LOL..it was the first day and it was awesome!!
