
quiz from syafe and joey

Friday, March 20, 2009

lol i got tagged by syafe and joey

1)Besides your lips,where is your favourite spot to get kissed?
i dont know!ive never done it before!im not even a teenager!
2)How do you feel when you wokeup this morning?
omg its saturday already?!
3)who was the last person you took a photo with
ahmad,amrun,hatim,muaz at the chalet
4)would you consider yourself being spoilt?
a little maybe
5)would you ever donate blood?
6)have you ever had a best friend from the opposite sex?
7)do you want to meet someone dead?
why not?Just make sure that he is not a blood sucking vampire!
8)what does your last text message say.
"north korea shuts its border again to trafic to and from seoul-funded kaesong industrial zone even though a us south korean military exercise has ended"from CNA news pack
9)what are you thinking of right know?
"i like the ice kacang from grad nite"
10)do you wish someone was with you now?
yeah.im super bored
11)what time did you sleep last night?
12)where did you buy the shirt you are wearing now?
umm parkway?
13)is someone in your mind right now?
14)who was the last person to text you?
CNA news pack!
4)ain cuz
6)syafiqah tkps
8)the woman at 4th floor
9)ahmad couz

15)who is number 2 having relationshp with?(elena)
16)is 3 female or male?(amrun)
17)if 7 and 10 get together,would that be a good thing?(nana and yong xuan)
OMGOSHHHHHH..my couz and 10 cents?!
18)what is number 1 studying about?
same things as me
19)is number 4 single?(ain cuz)
20)say sumthing about number 5(haziq)
hes in damai sec?
21)what do you think of number 3 and 6 being together?(amrun and syafiqah tkps)
22)describe number 9(ahmad cuz)
mr bean
23)what if number 4 and 7 fight?(ain cuz and nana)
itll like to see that happen.haha jkjk
24)describe number 8(woman from 4th floor)
lol i dunno liao


Aloha Loyang chalet

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

jux came back from chalet after 4 days

1st ones to arrive.then saw Uncle omar's car i tot ahmad come oredi den come out only naifah and cik Linda.
we started to unpack and i played throw and catch with my dad
Halfway playing we heard some1 parking outside
amrun came den they wanted to playl.den i see how amrun play
look outside on the right guess hu i saw?
Joey syafiqah and naufal
hahar first ones to come.i show them around.
we went arcade and the money changer was broken.zzzz
then suddenly some1 came in
Yong Xuan
we walk around den go back ask my mom for 50 cents for games.say she dun have den my couz (AIN)cme with syafiqah p5 and her sis(my ex MT classmate)
den saw taxi outside..azri lol
we all go playroom played catching and throwing balls..super fun..
amrun then came with his friend IZZ(is that how u spell it?)okok
we play penalty Yong xuan kick hit my face..den syafiqah(tkps) and elysha came..\
den naufal go back .
we al go back eat and me and yong xuan wanted to swim
azri throw 10 cents den yong xuan pick up.
Haziq and taufiq came and we all got out of the pool,..
den eat again yongxuan and syafiqah ate the most lol
den me ad all the temasekians with amrun and IZZ go beach watch sunset and played softball.
we all went to the playrooom again
1st naufal go hme den joey den siti syafiqah den syafiqah(tkps and elysha,den azri,den yong xuan,den azri,den haziq and taufiq,so thats monday

DEn tuesday wake up swimm.and umm go arcade still the money changer not working,
den afternoon played soccer and rounders.super fun.rounders my team and the other team draw 18-18 soccer i cant remember.
then play volleyball.
den swim.
den family barbeque,it was okay lah.not that interesting but still veri funn.
den play captains ball with uncle he was the captain and he was 190cm
super hard to intercept
my team lose to his team 20-21.it was super funn!
again wake up swimm.watch indonesian horror films.okok lah not so scary.
watch disturbia
and then my dad and I and all my couzinz go beach
we play throw and catch then go for a walk

den go arcade the money changer finally working put 15 dolar money come out like hurricane!
play for 1 hour den finish
come back wait until evening den go swimmin
my dad and my 2 couzinz went cycling
They go until pasir ris park!
den come back another BBq den watch ninja warrior!

den go arcade again play fighting game and soccer game.den 10 o clock
den umm do nothing watch american idol den sleep.
um nothing actually,wake up had breakfast, talk, take some pics,pack and go
wah holiday over jux like *snap*that
ok i wanted to go prefects camp but ltr paiseh cox not alumni...
okok BYEs guys~


15 march 2009

Sunday, March 15, 2009

lol jux came back from softball carnival veri tired..my leg bleeding dunno y??i think its the shin guard jux now.tmr chalet waiting and waiting,at night i thinkk my uncle playing a horror movie...so bring extra clothes(if you get too scared and pee in your pants ,den u have extras.)haha lol anyway this is a short post soo..BYE~!



Thursday, March 12, 2009

hahar hi ppl my final grades

science-dun wan say(pass)
DNT-dun wan say(pass)
passed subjects-8



Saturday, March 7, 2009

lol here are some tests results and if i say "dun wan say" u noe wad it means.
English:dunno yet
MT:dunno yet
Science:Dun wan say
history:16/20,4/6,8/9=28/35 =)
litrature:dunno yet
DNT:dun wan say
art:dunno yet
