
Saturday, April 14, 2012

Well its been a week since i blogged. Its time. This week passed by quite fast. Nothing much actually. a hectic week next week. First paper + first practical exam. gonna be quite nervous. I started studying for mid-years already. but i always have this fear of not being able to do well, regardless of studying. Anyways CCA already stepped down. QUite sad , honestly speaking, although this is coming from the guy who isnt that passionate about softball compared to certain individuals. Joining softball really shaped my secondary school life. Honestly. If i hadnt met certain people( i shant mention names ) , my life would be TOTALLY different. I cant imagine how itll be like. I wouldnt want to anyway. Anyway im beginning to have doubts. you ask for my help. I gave it to you, yet you act as though I was never a part of your life. To be honest , i always knew you felt this way, just didnt voice it out. Sometimes i shouldnt be nice to you though.

No idea why i typed that.Ohwells. Wish me luck for my exams.


Monday, April 2, 2012

So much for having a good start to the week. You know that horrible feeling of waking up at 3 am and suddenly shivering like as if your at the North pole? yeap. Felt that today. And obviously had to give school a miss. The weather did not help either. Anyway, feeling better and fresh now after sleeping for like half the day. Ended up having a productive day since i missed school. I should fall ill more often to ensure i study. Will be back in school tomorrow. I dont know whether thatl be a good thing or bad thing. Just have to wait and see..



Sunday, April 1, 2012

I havent posted anything lately. If you consider about 2 years 'lately' i dont know why seems like i've lost interest in blogging for awhile. But I somehow felt like doing this. I might. I dont know why maybe i need a place to rant and not be judged by anyone. Although i think this is not a good idea. Oh well. lifes been pretty okay until recently. Sudden emotions popping up out of nowhere. And now is not the time to be distracted by anything. Although at my current age its usual for teenagers to get into these mishaps and troubles. Well my cousins from the neighbouring country came to visit yesterday. As depressing as it sounds thats the only good significant thing thats happened over this past weekend. And im not usually like this. A bit edgy and moody since their departure this afternoon. Over the course of these seven days many incidents and tiny issues arose, which proved to be affecting me quite bad. Mostly over friendships, I just hope tomorrow would be a new start of the week. And il just hope that I realize who my friends are. Shall be blogging quite often nowadays since i seemed to have regained that interest. Ciao
