
June "holidays"

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Okay so the june holidays end in like about what? 1 day? really hate it. For some reason. I did a decent amount of studying over the past...erm..20 ish days? But really. not enough to study + enjoy. Another week would be good. but who am I kidding. Ok. Imma rant about whats been happening.so here we go

Well extended curriculum was from 27th may? -4th june. I had a MAJOR back injury which knocked me out from any vigorous activities for at least 3 weeks. (but im better now hehe. (i think) )  Extended curriculum was actually cool. I like how the lessons were planned out, covered 1 or 2 topics, and reccaped a few. So. theres nothing to say about it.

5th june.
Yes a very special day. Stayed up on 4th june to wait for my birthday. Was webbcamming i think. Haha. Enjoyed the afternoon with two of my friends. Went to parkway to get stuff. Oh yeah got my ukelele strings thanks to them. THANK YOU. ended the night with family. Well sort of . So so birthday hohoho.

6th june-10th june
I honestly cant remember what I did. Oh. amrun came over one of the days and we lepaked till night. Watched a couple of movies with him. The other days are just like a blank. Cant remember. Probably studied. Oh yeah this was when my cousins and I (Me amrun ain hatim nabilah ahmad) Created some whatsapp group (yes its still active) Where we would crap around and talk nonsense (cousins pride !)

I remember one of the days MET overslept and didnt come for maths on saturday. So we , the people who actually bothered to turn up, started taking pics and do shit. And watched incredible tales haha. Super cool mini impromptu bonding session.

11th-12th june
Probably my favourite week of the holidays. How i wish every week was like that.
To start off i had intensive math for the two days. UNEXPECTEDLY FUN.
I really like it. insightfuly, relevant, motivating(apparently). and it allowed me to clear my doubts. Mr tan is like a wizard when it comes to math. Haha loved the programme. And it fosters class spirit. Which is a bonus hehe.

13th june
Went to seoul garden with ashley and his classmates. He treated me (birthday present) then got my jab at the end of the day.

14th june
BOUGHT MY NEW VANS SHOES. So amrun called me at like 8 am. Being in my half concious state i agreeed to follow him and ahmad to the vans 70% off sale. The shoes were alright. Bought a decent pair for about 39 bucks. Went to macs afterwards to eat. At tampines. Talked to amrun about stuffs when ahmad fell asleep.  Bumped into Mrs yap WHICH WAS SUPER AWKWARD.  Went to uniqlo to see stuffs. and prayed at Ghufran at about 3? Weather was burning i could still remember. And then went home to pack for the next day. YAY

15th june
YES THE MOST ANTICIPATED DAY HAS ARRIVED! SENTOSA WITH THE REST. AIns family my family amruns family and the jalan punais. Went to solat abt 12.30 but accompanied my friend at my bustop for awhile (IF YOU ARE READING THIS YOU ARE WELCOME) MEt hatim and went to kassim. Went back home took my guitar and off we went! Loved the scenery there! Met ain there first and we lazed around for like the whole afternoon. Ain has a big mouth. haha. :P then went to lepak at the pool with ain. THERE WERE PEACOCKS THAT WERE SO COOOL. And they were like IN the resort itself which was preeetayyy awesome. Went to vivo for dinnnerz. With ains family and my family. Walked around and waited for hatim at vivo. Ate at chicken rice shop. Yum. OH YES CIK ATA GAVE ME JELLYBEANS WHICH WERE VOMIT FLAVOUR. TASTED REALLLY REALLY GROSS. (REALLY). And then we crapped around in the shuttle bus. Haha. Hatim and his family arrived at about 10pm? LEPAKED IN MY ROOM. We (Me hatim ain nabilah muaz and my two siblings) watched school of rock till like 12. All of us could play at least one instrument(sort of) so we NEVER get bored of this movie. Especially jack blacks antics. So after 12 we planned to sleep...but we realisedthat Fox movies premium was showing 127 hours and we ended up watching. Hehe. So slept at about 3? Was playing some stupid game on whatsapp. Hehe.So thats day 1. Enjoyable.

16th june
Probably one of the best days of this holiday. Really. Woke up at 8 and hatim and ain were already up. Watched a couple of episodes from HIMYM .What better way to start the morning. So mum went into the room and told us we would be going for a walk. So we got ready. Hehe breakfast at macs with the gang. And started walking around sentosa. pretty lucky i brought my shades cause the weather was HOT. Took photos. Sort of and joined amrun with his family. (Finally) Walked like half around sentosa and went back to my room. So there were like 11 people in room. watched despicable me. Till about 1. And then went to lunch with family. At some malay cuisine. AND THEN I LEFT FOR CLASS BBQ. Amrun probably went to the gym with hatim. i thtink. i dont know.

CABBED FROM SILOSO ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL THE WAY TO PARKWAY. 20 bucks. Got stuck in the middle of a jam and the taxi driver was ranting about euro (trol) . Met ray aniq and hops at Parkway parade to buy drinks. Bought like 12 drinks. USING MY MONEY . THANKS ALOT GUYS. and walked to the chalet. Hopkins decided to use some unknown route which led us to the OTHER end of ECP. Quite hilarious when aniq started freaking out and kept yelling "NICE GOING GENIUS" . But aniq entertained himself with a balloon he found on the street. (Yes, whats new aniq) So we arrived at the chalet abt 30 mins later, thanks to mr genius choi. The bbq took awhile to get going. I sat outside with becky and irfan and vinod for the first like 20 mins of the bbq, playing songs and singing like an idiot. And then we went to the beach, about 15 of us? I cant rmb. We camped on this really huge rock and bonded and stuff. Really cool. Most of the time im with my guitar (thats just me) And then lepaked and lepaked for the next few hours till beckys dad sent me and charlene back to bedok inter (SO NICE). Took 66 to home and parents fetched from there back to sentosa. Went back and half the gang was asleep :(. So sad. I lepaked around with hatim and decided to go to bed aswell. Day ended pretty damn good. Enjoyed that day alot.

17th june.
So it was the last day of sentosa sadly. And I was quite pissed. The duration was super short!.  We went to kfc at vivo for breakfast then walked around palawan beach. (yesterday was siloso beach) Took photos and stuff and headed home. Not really an interesting day. Depressing for me :(

18th june
Spammed english homework with ashley. At long johns silver. PRetty productive. 6 hours? cant remember. But we kept getting distracted by the songs. Ohwell

19th june
POA and AnF seminar at temasek poly.
Okay. temasek poly is a hugeass compound. Me alvah and jinghui and kokchuan got lost halfway. And so did kimhong and aniq. Seminar started at 9 and ended at 1. Interesting seminar i might say, met with a few seniors and we talked about the teachers in temasek (TROLOLOL) . The annoying ones. Hehe. Went back and sort of fell sick. :( nothing much that day actually

20th june-21st june
Just did work. finished off chem i gues.. really boring . As usual we spammed the whatsapp group and went on talking about weird things. One of them was girls. haha see we are grown up now. hehe.

22nd june
Friday prayers with hatim then went to parkway. Saw a couple of classmates/schoolmates. And then lepaked at hatims house to watched a couple of movies. Sleepy hollow and Ironman2. And finally..
KICK ASS. Kick ass is a kick ass movie. I was a bit sceptical upon seeing the trailer. But after watching it, any of all my doubts are gone. GOOD MOVIE . But alot of course language. But i really loved the movie. oh ya at the rrequest of ahmad, I downloaded meme generator and starting meme-ing everyone. Shall not mention names. Hehe.  pretty okay day. Spent the night at ahmads.

watched this means war and came home. Just finished tuition...so thats about it..

Quite upset that secondary four life has taken me away from my family. Holidays are meant to be spent with my family. Usually. This years an exception. haiyo. Well after O's planning to travell far far away. I didnt get to stay over at amruns this holiday. Le sigh. Oh wells. I wanna rewind to last week. But ohwell. Thats life for you.Quite amazing how i remember all of this NOW TIME FOR SENTOSA PICS.
                                         trying to scare the bird to ain hehehe
                                          first day breakfast!
                                         Me after trying the vomit flavour.
                                         Hehe whole bus only our familes. (AINS BIG HEAD ^^)
                                        AWESOME KIDS ROOM
                                        Nabilah, Ain, ME, Hatim
                                       WATCHING MOVIES LATE AT NIGHT!
                                         FIRST NIGHT. Watching movies hehe . Picture was taken at 3am                               

Okay so its been a so-so holiday. Preferred last year. But oh well.. Plan to enjoy after olevels. Bye!
